Guidance for resumption of operations during the COVID -19 Public Health Crisis
1.0 Introduction
The COVID -19 pandemic has greatly affected the aviation sector introducing risks that need to be mitigated both during these prevailing conditions and the post COVID environment. Therefore the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), through the Council Aviation Recovery Task Force (CART) Report, has provided Member States and the relevant industry stakeholders with global guidance for a safe, secure and sustainable restart and recovery of the aviation sector.
In order to boost public and passenger confidence in air travel, the Uganda Civil Aviation has developed draft take-off guidelines based on global and regional harmonized approach on COVID-19 Pandemic. The guidelines  developed aim at helping the aviation sector in its preparations for resumption of normal operations.
A risk management based approach was utilized in the development of the guidance material to manage the risk of transmission of COVID – 19 during commercial Air Transport of passengers.
2.0 Objective
The objective is to:
- Provide operators with more alternative methods of implementing the mitigating measures categorized under the general public health risks and specific risk mitigations for the Airport, Aircraft, Crew and Cargo.
- Provide sample forms that the operators could use in implementing the mitigating measures.
3.0 Action Required
The various operators as the major implementers of these mitigation measures are hereby invited to review and provide feedback on the draft guidance to enhance a collaborative approach to managing the pandemic.
Submit any feedback on the guidance by email to by 27th August 2020.