The Directorate Of Human Resource and Administration is responsible for the effective management and development of Human Resource towards realisation of the Authority’s objectives.
It is also responsible for provision of logistics to enable and facilitate UCAA staff carry out their duties.
The Human Resource and Development Department functions are classified into three departments
Human Resource Department
The Human Resource and Development Department is headed by a Manager whose responsibility is to ensure the successful implementation of the human resource strategies approved to ensure the success of the Authority.
It is responsible for: Recruitment & Exit Management, Employees’ Welfare, Industrial Relations, Training and Staff Development.
Human Resource Training & Development Department
The department is headed by Manager Human Resource Training and Development. It is responsible for contributing towards development and implementation of the Human Resources policies and procedures for training, mentoring and developing the Authority staff and ensuring enhancement of performance of the organization, while it becomes a learning institution.
Administration Department
The Administration Department is headed by a Manager.
Its main responsibility is to support the attainment of UCAA’s objectives through the provision and maintenance of Transport Services, Records Management Facilities, Estate Management and General Office Administration.