The interior of the new terminal building at Arua Airfield is undergoing partitioned and furnishing. Earlier on, more land had been acquired for expansion of the airfield at a cost of about 6.5 billion to enhance its significance in regional trade.
The consultant Gauff and GIBB produced the final Master Plan and Detailed Engineering Designs for Arua Airport.
A new Fire Truck was also procured at a cost of 480,000 Euro and deployed at the airfield in 2016.
Acquisition of additional land for Kasese Airport development was completed and a perimeter fence constructed at the aerodrome.
Land acquisition and compensation for Tororo Aerodrome was also carried out and of the 185 affected persons, 95 have been paid at a cost of 4.4 billion. Installation of power at the aerodrome was also completed
Remedial repairs of runway 05/23 at Soroti Airfield were completed at a cost of 2.2 billion.
A new Fire Truck (480,000 Euro) and a portable mobile runway lighting system for Soroti were acquired.
Construction of a power perimeter fence at Kidepo aerodrome was completed and new Staff houses erected.
A power perimeter fence was recently erected at Pakuba to protect the aerodrome from wildlife intrusion. The gravel runway surface was also rehabilitated. It is a strategically located airfield in the Albertine Grabben region and facilitates one of Uganda’s most endowed national parks, Murchison Falls.
Jinja Airfield’s perimeter fence was completed and the gravel runway surface rehabilitated.
Construction of a perimeter fence was completed and the gravel runway rehabilitated.